Mapei Mapelastic Cementitious Mortar Waterproofer is a two-component, flexible cementitious mortar for waterproofing balconies, terraces, bathrooms and swimming pools. The two-component mortar is based on cementitious binders, fine-grained selected aggregates, special admixtures and synthetic polymers dispersed in water, blended according to a formula developed in MAPEI’s own research laboratories. When the two components are mixed together, a free-flowing mix is obtained which may be easily applied, even on vertical surfaces, at a thickness of up to 2 mm in one single coat.
- Remains flexible at very low temperatures (-20°C)
- 30 years experience and more than 300 million m² of surfaces successfully waterproofed
- CE-certified product in compliance with EN 1504-2 and EN 14891
- Protects the surface of concrete from CO2 penetration (carbonation) for more than 50 years
- Resistant to UV rays
- 2.5 mm of Mapelastic represents the equivalent of 30 mm of concrete against the aggressive action of chlorides (w/c ratio 0.45)
- May also be applied on existing coverings
- Compatible with ceramic, mosaic and natural stone coverings
- Product certified EC1 R Plus by the GEV Institute (Gemeinschaft Emissions-kontrollierte Verlegewerkstoffe, e.V.) as a product with very low emission of volatile organic compounds
- Waterproofing of concrete basins used for containing water
- Waterproofing bathrooms, showers, balconies, terraces, swimming pools, etc. before laying ceramic tile finishes
- Waterproofing of plasterboard, render or cementitious surfaces, lightweight cement blocks and marinegrade plywood
- Flexible smoothing layer for light-sectioned concrete structures, including those subjected to minor deformation when under load (e.g. pre-cast panels)
- Protection of renders or concrete with cracks caused by shrinkage, against the infiltration of water and aggressive atmospheric elements
- Protection, against the penetration of carbon dioxide, of concrete pillars beams, road and railway viaducts repaired with products from the Mapegrout range, and structures with an insufficient layer of concrete covering on the reinforcement rods
- Protection of concrete surfaces which may come into contact with seawater, de-icing salts, such as sodium or calcium chloride, and sulphates